ISAIMS2023 will be held in Chengdu, China during October 27-29, 2023. For further information on the hotel, please find it below.
I. Information:
Atour Hotel (Chengdu Taikoo Li)
Hotel Website: Click
Telephone: 028-88906888
Address: No. 8 Wangping Binhe Road, Chenghua District, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
>> Superior Single Room: 380 yuan/night (about $ 53 / night). (Includes a bed, Internet, and breakfast)
>> Superior Double Room: 380 yuan/night (about $ 53 / night). (Includes two beds, Internet, and two breakfasts)
Ⅱ. Room Booking:
You can make a reservation by calling the front desk at 028-88906888 before October 21, please tell us that you are a guest of "ISAIMS2023" and can enjoy the agreed price.
Ⅲ. Direction:
Ⅳ. Tips:
For non-Chinese Attendees, a "Bring me to the hotel" card is available. You can show it to the taxi drivers, who will take you to the hotel.
ISAIMS 2023将于2023年10月27-29日在成都举行。具体酒店信息和预定方式如下:
Ⅰ. 酒店信息:
酒店地址:四川省 成都 成华区望平街滨河路8号
>> 高级大床房:380元 含1张床/无线网络/1份早餐
>> 高级双床房:380元 含2张床/无线网络/2份早餐
Ⅱ. 房间预定方式:
2. 请勿重复预定。请尽快在10月21日前完成预定(逾期无法保证房间安排,需视酒店房态而定),如有变动或取消预定需提前一周告知酒店经理。酒店费用将由酒店直接收取并开具发票。
Ⅲ. 交通指南:
*市二医院地铁站-C口 步行距离930米,约14分钟
*双流国际机场 驾车距离21.1公里,约29分钟
*成都东站 驾车距离6.2公里,约11分钟
*成都站 驾车距离6.1公里,约24分钟